Sunday, July 19, 2020


Hey guys!

Some of you guys might remember my old blog "Backyard Archaeologists," co-hosted by my brother and best friend, and you probably remember that it sorta.. died in a pile of smoldering ashes? Basically what happened was that it was focused around stuff that I found in my back yard, buuuut I kinda stopped finding new stuff so I had nothing left to write about.

This time, it's just about me. Not stuff I find, but me and my various projects and a way for me to journal the daily* happenings in my life, and to keep track of my interests and styles changing as I grow :3

*sort of, no time for daily updates haha

Anyway, I'll likely post 3 times a week and here's the 
times you can expect a new post on:

  • Sundays, from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm
  • Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Fridays at 12:00 pm

If you will need to expect a change in update times, I'll make a new post for referral. I'll be posting my art here for higher quality viewing if I have a large art piece that scratch won't like, and occasionally I might post pictures of 
traditional art that I make and paintings and stuff because 
scratch can't handle that kind of stuff lol.

See you later I guess or something :3

My youtube link because I'm afraid of the scratch team

the Emerald Gemini  there that's it there ya go